Monday, January 22, 2018

The Grace of God

This is beginning a 4-part series of presenting scripture in the very simplest way possible. Next week is about "Heaven and Hell".

The Grace of God
“For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God”, Romans 3:23

Let’s begin by understanding what “the grace of God” means. Grace is unearned favor given to sinners who don’t deserve it.  Yet, if you are one who is looking to know God and are tired of living a sinful life, and call on the name of God or Jesus, He will answer you.  Ask him for his mercy and forgiveness and he will give you his grace and forgive you and welcome you into his family. Those who are forgiven now belong to the Family of God.

There is nothing more you have to do.  He will take you just the way you are with all your confusion, fears and selfishness.  If you stick with him your life will change. Just talk to him like you would a friend – that is what prayer is.  You can ask him for anything and he will listen.  If you ask for ungodly things, you won’t get them, but he will give you everything thing you need. He will teach you things that you do not know. If you read the Bible, you will learn to live as a Christian.

Let me tell you about the Bible; the Bible is the spoken Word of God.  Yes, it was written by men of old, but the words to write were given to these men by God.  They wrote them down so that people throughout time could read them and be inspired to do what God wanted them to do. If you follow what the Bible says, you will have a better life and at the end of your life, you will go to heaven and live forever.  If you don’t become a Christian, when you die you will go to Hell and spend eternity in pain and torment forever.  It will never end.  It is your choice; Heaven or Hell.  God doesn’t put you there; he lets you make that decision.

I am trying to write this today in a very simple way and hope it gives you better understanding.  The Bible begins with the book of Genesis and helps you to understand how God created the world and people to grow into the world we live in today.  Let me say that there are many things about our heavenly Father we can never understand or know.  Isaiah 55:8-9 says “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways," says the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts.”

I can only write from my own experience so this is my story.  I was living a sinful life for many years and was so confused because I knew I wasn’t living like I should.  I was brought up in a church so I had some knowledge.  I actually knew that God had a son, Jesus and that he died on a cross so I could be saved.  I still didn’t understand the whole picture.  I remember one time when I suddenly realized that there was more in the Bible that I wasn’t understanding.  I asked several people, but no one seemed to have an answer. 

I didn’t find that answer for many years. They were hard years, I was married and had four children; life was good. Yet I was still unhappy and came to the point of divorce, drug addiction and suicide. I finally hit bottom and one day, alone in my room talking to myself I called out “Jesus”.  In an instant I realized who Jesus was.  He was God’s son and he died innocently on the cross, took on my sin and paid the price so I could have salvation.  I knew that day that if I didn’t ask him to forgive me, I might not have another chance.

So I lay on my floor and cried out to him and he poured his grace and his love into me.  That was over forty years ago and I’ve never looked back.  Today, all my children are saved and serving God.  My husband is a pastor and I have taught about the Bible to many people, written books, and have been a speaker at many churches and conferences.  I had a radio program for many years and my husband and I also had a television program for several years. My, it seems like I’m bragging but I’m not.  I could have done nothing without Jesus.  It has been his strength that has carried me though so many things that I can’t share here today.

I am not perfect, as my family can tell you, but I have the ‘Joy of the Lord’ in my heart.  I know that someday when my time is finished here on earth that I will go to heaven and spend forever with Jesus and those who have gone before me. This life I live is not a fairy tale; I have times of troubles, disappointment and pain, but I know that I am never alone.  

I want to share, in my own simple words, a scripture from Philippians, chapter 3, verse 12 -   I have not and never will reach perfection as a Christian, so I must forget the things in my past where I failed and continue to move forward by reaching out to Jesus for his help and to reach towards the goal of eternity with him.

I want to be an example to those who come after me; children, grandchildren, their wives and husbands.  I will fail at times, but when I do, I will pick it up and try again.  I only ask you once you have read this, read it again slowly and think about it as you read.  It may be your last chance to accept Jesus as your Savior.  This is why he came to earth and lived and was beaten and hung on the cross – He Did It For You! 

There is understanding if you just try. Don’t use the excuse that you are confused; that is what Satan, your enemy, wants you to be. The name of Jesus is the only power that drives away spirits and confusion and without it you are powerless.  With it, you can accomplish whatever you really want out of life. Without the power of Jesus name, you are nothing!!!!!!!!

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