Monday, June 13, 2016

Expect The Unexpected

Expect the Unexpected

"But Jesus looked at them and said, "With men it is impossible, but not with God; 
for with God all things are possible."  Mark 10:27
With all the things going on in this world, it may make you question what’s coming next.  Latest issue came up about transgender people and bathroom rights.  The big ordeal over who uses whose bathroom is the most disgusting thing I ever heard. I can’t even talk about it without getting upset.  You see I’m one of those people who believe what the Bible says.  God made you to be what you are and if you want to change and become somebody else, then learn to live with the taboos that go with it. It is ungodly!

My husband and I were talking about it the other day and I said, “What will they come up with next?  What he said to me was, “Expect the Unexpected”. That really got my attention.  No matter what is yet to come – be prepared to expect the unexpected.  As things continue to worsen around us be prepared to react to it.  Some will say, “Oh, it’s just the way of the world” and others will say, “We need to stand up for what we believe.”  Don’t get caught off guard; remember the wicked will perish, but with God all things are possible.

As Christians we don’t have to take the back seat to anyone.  We have the Holy Spirit and the power of God on our side. When are Christians going to stand up to the liberals?  First of all we are Christians, secondly we are Americans and thirdly, we have rights. 

I’m like the preacher who was giving a message in church.  Suddenly he stopped and said, “I just feel like I’m going to start preaching.”  He didn’t realize that’s what he was already doing.  So I’m going to give it to you like this.  “Are you a ‘born again’ Christian?  Then quit acting like you don’t even know who God is.  Step out and stand up; get on your soap box and start telling the people around you what you think of this milk toast Christianity that some preachers are trying to feed you.

Put ‘politically correct’ to death.  If you are a Muslim – you are not a Christian.  If you worship Mohammed, you do not worship God almighty.  Jesus Christ is not just a prophet – He is the Son of the Living God!  If a man has sex with another man or a woman has sex with another woman – it is called an ‘Abomination’. (Read Leviticus 20:13).  When people have sex out of marriage – it’s called ‘fornication’, “Flee fornication. Every sin that a man does is without the body; but he that commits fornication sins against his own body.” [1 Corinthians 6:18]  When you are married and sleep with someone other than your husband or wife, its called adultery. [Exodus 20:14]  All of these things are promoted in the media so people believe that it’s okay to do them. 

I know as I write this, none of it is politically correct, but these are not my words, they are God’s words. If reading this convicts you, it’s a good time to repent and ask God’s forgiveness.  The Bible tells us that you can’t serve two masters, Matthew 6:24 “No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other.”

If you believe you can do the things I’ve written about and still be a Christian, you are sadly mistaken my friend.  Jesus died on the cross for your sins so when you throw the filth of the world in his face by thinking it’s okay, wait until you die and see where you are going. 

We don’t know what is coming next, but expect the unexpected. Persecution of Christianity has already begun.  Scriptures have been removed from the walls of countless schools; many places will no longer even sing Christmas carols; many places will not allow having a display of the birth of our Savior.  You may not see a lot around here yet, but other states and cities strive to remove anything Christian. 

I must be honest, I did not expect to ever have to allow men or women in each other bathrooms.  It was totally unexpected that our President would make this ruling that put our children in harm’s way by going to the bathroom.  I have decided that if I’m in a woman’s bathroom and a man walks in, I will do everything I can possibly do to drive him out.  If I’m arrested, so be it, for my conscience would not allow me to stand by and do nothing.

We don’t know what is coming next, but turn to God for help and protection.  I may be a voice crying in the wilderness, but you are free to join me.  I pray that you do.  Don’t give up your faith which our ancestors worked so hard to protect.  Let God Almighty reign over the United States of America and trample down the enemy who wants to destroy it!

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