Wednesday, July 8, 2015

"Are Angels Real?"

Are Angels Real?

“Are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for those who will inherit salvation?” Hebrews 1:14

I think almost every Christian believes there are supernatural beings called “Angels”.  They were created at the time of, or before the earth was created. Thus the heavens and the earth, and all the host of them, were finished.” [Genesis 2:1]  The word ‘host’ refers to angels (see Luke 2:13).  Angels are so powerful that it is hard to describe what they can do.  We read in 2 Kings 19:35, where one angel killed 135,000 Assyrians when King Hezekiah ruled Israel and was threatened by the Assyrians. 
We read about Daniel in the lion’s den and God sent an angel to guarded him all night and shut the mouths of the lions.  An angel came to Mary, Jesus mother and also to Joseph giving them instructions.  I could go on and on sharing stories from the Bible about the activities of angels, but I want to bring you up to date on what I personally know about them.
My eldest daughter was very sickly as a child and close to death many times.  When she was about 4 years old she woke up in the night and wanted to come to us.  Our bedroom was just off the living room so as she came through it she saw, as she described it, a beautiful lady.  She said the lady talked to her and wanted to take my little girl with her, but for some unknown reason she didn’t.  When our daughter came into our bedroom, she told us about the ‘lady’.  Her father and I were very alarmed and although we saw no one in the other room, there was definitely a presence and a misty light was all through the house.  I had no doubt an angel of God had visited my child whose life has centered on serving God over all these years; many times in miraculous ways.
My mother was a very godly woman who loved the Lord.  When she was in her 70’s, she became very ill with heart problems and other things.  She was in the hospital and the doctor told us there was nothing to be done.  He said a CAT scan showed she had a mass in her brain with fingers spreading through the skull.  That night my husband contacted several people and they were praying all over the country.  The next morning I went to the hospital and when I walked in the room she looked so pale and was so weak she could barely talk.  I walked to her bed and she whispered to me.  “Something happened early this morning.  Two men came in my room and stood on either side of the bed and began to lift me up to take me with them.  I looked down at the foot of the bed and I saw hundreds of people that I didn’t know and they were praying for me.  Then the men put me back down and disappeared, but I looked toward the window and a white dove flew down, looked in and then flew away. I know I am going to be alright.”
After saying that, as weak as she had been, she sat up and swung her feet of the edge of the bed and said she was hungry.  She had barely eaten for almost 2 weeks, but now wanted food.  The doctor came in the room about then and said he had just looked at some additional x-rays and they showed there was no mass at all.  On top of that her heart monitor showed nothing out of line.  That day she ate, the heart monitor was turned off and she went home the following day. 
Later that summer she was out with her friends picking strawberries, going shopping and doing all the things she did before.  I’ve no doubt in my mind that God sent his angels to bring her home, but the prayers of the saints surely were answered and she lived to be 86 years old.
My husband, Pastor Jerry, is well known for his wisdom, honesty, integrity and his great faith.  It was about 20 years ago when this happened.  We had been asleep for some time when he grabbed my arm and was trying to call my name.  Then he fell over backwards and I thought he had a heart attack.  I shook him and his whole body was soaking wet.  Then he sat up and told me what happened.
He was awakened by what sounded like very heavy footsteps walking through the house and into the bedroom.  He sat up and at the end of the bed stood a man about 8 or 9 feet tall.  He was dressed all in glowing white and held an old lantern in his hands.  He couldn’t see the man’s face, but he knew he was an angel. Jerry said every emotion possible ran through him and he tried to call my name, but nothing came out.  Then he fell over on the bed.
I did not see anyone in our room, but I felt strong presence still there.  He will never forget that visitation, but to this day does not know why it happened, or what it meant.  I believe one day he will come to know why an angel of God stopped by to see him.
Yes, my friends, angels are real and countless people have run into them over the centuries.  Sometimes they perform a miracle and sometimes they just appear to people.  I know this; I may not see one in my lifetime, but on the day the Lord calls me to my heavenly home, angels will come and carry me to heaven.  I will not travel that road alone. (Read the story of Lazarus and the rich man in Luke 16:19-22.)  Angels are all around us and some day we will know how they watched over us and protected us when we might have died.
When we read about tragic deaths it doesn’t mean that God’s angels were not there with them, but it was their time to go.  LORD, remind me how brief my time on earth will be. Remind me that my days are numbered— how fleeting my life is.” [Psalm 39:4]  To everything there is a season, A time for every purpose under heaven: A time to be born, And a time to die”  Ecclesiastes 3:1-2  
I close with an old Spiritual song that was sung by the slaves many years ago. 

All night, all day,
Angels watching over me, my Lord.
All night, all day,
Angels watching over me.


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