Saturday, February 2, 2013


Even when we don’t physically hear God speak to us, he gives us answers to prayer.  When we ask him for direction, we may sense that he wants us to do a certain things or go a certain way.  Many times his answer is to ‘wait’ and at times it is ‘yes’.  Yet there are times he answers with a definite ‘no’.  We probably won’t like hearing a 'no', but the important thing is our response to his ‘no’. 

A short time ago I was driving in nasty weather; my windshield iced over and the road was very slippery.  I was driving slower than usual when I got behind a car driving about 40 miles per hour.  I was on the highway and in the right-hand lane and at this point, it was not too bad.  I looked at the other lane and it was snow-covered, but I did see some tracks where someone had driven on it.  Feeling rather impatient, I decided I could easily pass the slow moving car in front of me.  As I started to go into the other lane, a stern thought came loudly in my mind, “Stay!”  I thought it was God telling me to stay where I was.  I drove on a bit further and struggling inside, I thought I must have imagined it and decided I would still pass the car in front of me.  As I made that decision I again heard that voice inside me say, “Stay!”

I stayed behind the car and a few seconds later came on an accident.  A car had skidded and was down a steep incline and on the other side of the highway a truck had skidded and another vehicle was backwards.  It appeared it had been a white-out.  I knew immediately that God had saved me from being in an accident, if I had passed the car in front of me.  Yes, God does speak to us. 

I was reminded of Elijah of the Old Testament; he had given up and wanted to die.  He was in hiding when the Lord came to him; not in a loud, terrifying voice, but the Bible tells us in 1 Kings 19:12 “…after the earthquake, a fire, but the LORD was not in the fire; and after the fire, a still small voice.  There are times when God speaks to us in his Word, or perhaps in a dream, but I have found he speaks most often in that ‘still, small voice’.  You must be quiet to hear it, but he still speaks to us. 
I do hear him when God says NO and I know I’m in for something I may not like.  Almost 3 years ago, my younger sister was diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor.  At first I was absolutely sure God would heal her.  She went through radiation and chemo; she lost her beautiful hair, and speech became difficult for her, but through it all she stayed positive.  During those months, we laughed together; cried together and recalled so many memories of the times we shared growing up.  I made 40 scripture cards about God’s healing power, which she read every day.  There were so many prayers for her; so many visitors and so many thoughtful things done for her.  Her husband was by her side almost constantly and gave her such loving care. I can’t tell you how much I prayed that she would be healed, but in the end God said, “NO!”  She left this world to be with Jesus in November of 2010. 
What do you do when God says “NO”?  I turned to the Word of God and a scripture that has carried me through many things.  “And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.”  Romans 8:28   How could someone’s death turn to good?  During her illness, she gave herself entirely into the hands of God.  Others that visited her were witness to her faith.  Some were touched forever during times of prayer.  Towards the end we knew God had said ‘No’ to our prayers, but she had grown so close to him that she was ready.  A few days before she passed away she told me she wanted to go be with Jesus and with our Mother whom we knew was waiting to greet her in heaven.  She was so at peace and I could not possibly wish her to stay.  After she was gone, I sat by her bed and held her hand; still feeling her presence in the room.  I began to sing to her, “Fly to Jesus, Fly to Jesus….”;  I knew that was just what she did.
            It’s not always as extreme as death when God says, ‘no’.  It may be a house you were going to buy, or a car you thought you needed.  God knows our past, present and our future.  What we want isn’t always good for us.  All the things you have experienced in your life that you thought was so difficult, later you find out the reason why God said' no'.  You may also discover why you went through certain things.  It may be so you can minister to others, because you have been there yourself.  How could you minister to those with depression unless you have experienced it?  How can you minister to the hurts of those who have been divorced unless you went through it?  How can you minister to those with financial difficulties unless you have had them?

Only God knows the future and what we might have to face in life, but in the end, we who are Believers, will be victorious in all things.  He promised he would supply our needs; not our wants.  Our needs are food, shelter and clothing; not lobster, a palace, or name brand clothing.   Whether or not you like the answer you get from God, there is one thing you need to remember; God is God!  He tells us in Isaiah 55:8-9   “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts greater than your thoughts.”  
There is a way:  "Trust in the LORD with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding;  in all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths."           Proverbs 3:5-6 (NKJV)

             My prayer:  "Dear Lord, whatever your answer is, help me to accept it because I know whatever it is, it will be the right answer; the best for me.  Amen."

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