Sunday, February 18, 2018

When Godly People Do Ungodly things

When Godly People Do Ungodly Things

“Beware lest anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the tradition of men, according to the basic principles of the world, and not according to Christ.”   Colossians 2:8

Deceit is one of the most hateful ways of treating others; deceit is another word for cheat.  There are other words that go along with it; things like underhandedness. It does happen in the Christian world oftener than you think.  Colossians 2:8 explains that it happens among those who follow worldly traditions and people who think they can deceive others.  However, it is never right for Christians to deceive each other.

Let me give you an example of deceit that many Christians don’t have a problem with and that is Income Tax.  First of all, if you are living a Godly life and want to follow after Jesus, you won’t cheat.  Cheating is the same as stealing no matter how you look at it.  Let me quote Jesus Christ. Render therefore to all their due: taxes to whom taxes are due, customs to whom customs, fear to whom fear, honor to whom honor.” Romans 13:7. In other words, if you owe IRS taxes, don’t try to cheat the IRS, pay what is due.  If you are not honest in filling out your tax claims, it will come back to bite you.

A man I knew personally, many years ago, was self-employed and would only claim a small amount in taxes. This worked great for him for many years, but when he died, his wife could only draw a very small amount; not enough to live on. She was old and had to depend on things she made and sold, so she was very poor the rest of her life.  This is not an unusual practice and people will actually brag about how they cheat the government.  Cheating or deceit will never come to gain. 

It has always upset me when I see Christians cheating and think it’s alright.  Have you ever been in a store with someone when the clerk gave them too much change back and they didn’t say anything, but put it in their pocket and went on their way.  It doesn’t happen as often today as it was years ago when their cash registers were not electronic.  Let me tell you a little story from years ago. 

My husband and I along with our two little daughters had to move to Texas, because of one of the girl’s health. My husband got a job in the oil fields, but it didn’t pay much and we were very poor. Christmas was coming and I knew I had to be very careful on spending.  Out of our meager income I had saved $20 dollars to buy my children something for Christmas. I went shopping at a nearby town that had a dime store. My children went to Sunday School and were going to be in a play at church, so I wanted to get them something new to wear. I bought each of them a little white t-shirt, and I found nice piece of bright material on sale, so I could make them each a skirt.  I didn’t have a sewing machine, but I sewed them by hand.

I found some small toys and books to wrap for them and I knew they would be happy with that.  When I checked out at the counter, I gave the clerk my $20 dollar bill and she totaled everything up and gave me back some change. I stuffed it in my pocket and went out to the car.  I had to stop to get loaf of bread so I pulled my money and there was a $10 dollar bill extra.  I looked at the $10 and thought for a minute what I could do with it, but my mother had taught me about honesty and I couldn’t keep it.  I went back in the store and up to the counter.  I explained what happened and the clerk began to cry.  She said if I hadn’t given it back, she would have had to pay it when it came up as ten dollars short and that was all she had to her name. She thanked me over and over again and I felt really happy when I left.

I’ve never forgotten that incident so long ago and was so grateful to my mother for teaching me not to cheat, deceive or steal, no matter what my own circumstance were. You see, my heavenly Father sees everything I do and to do under-handed things puts shame on God.  God will never bless anyone who isn’t honest.

I have often read the story in Acts 5:1.  But there was a certain man named Ananias who, with his wife, Sapphira, sold some property. He brought part of the money to the apostles, claiming it was the full amount. With his wife’s consent, he kept the rest.”  He didn’t have to lie or deceive the others, but he chose to do that rather than be honest.  Here was a godly man and woman who decided to do an ungodly thing. They didn’t believe anyone would know, but the Holy Spirit of God knew and did not let this deceit go unpunished. Both the man and his wife dropped dead in front of the disciples. 

We live in a different time, but the Holy Spirit is still very much alive and watches everything that happens to Christians.  He is also our Comforter and helps us through many things, but not the bad choices we make.    Job 31:5-6, “If I have walked with falsehood, or if my foot has hastened to deceit, let me be weighed on honest scales, that God may know my integrity.”  (Integrity is the qualifications of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness and not taken to lying.)

“Holy Spirit, keep my feet from taking a wrong turn and my mouth from lying and deceit.  Let me be honest in all my dealings and in the things I say. Amen.”

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