Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Is Satan Real?

Is Satan Real?

“Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the LORD, and Satan also came among them.” Job 1:6 (NKJV)

Many years ago I attended a Christian retreat.  There were two spiritual leaders there; one was a Catholic priest and the other was a Christian Reformed minister.  We had a question and answer period one evening and the first question was, Is there a real Satan, or Devil that existed?  I was a young Christian at the time, but I was shocked when both the priest and the minister agree that there was not such a thing.  They agreed that there is evil in this world but it is not part of a single entity.  When people do evil things we know that it’s evil. You cannot blame anything else the evil that is done.

The second question was, “Is there a place called Hell?”  Again their answer in agreement was, “no”, Hell is a figment of our imagination.  I was so confused and upset that people would believe their answers.  What they were really saying, is that the Bible is a lie.  Theses man were supposed to believe the Bible and teach the truth.

It was a tremendous eye-opener to me.  I began to read the Bible and study what it said.  It was not a lie.  It proved over and over to be truth.  I came to the conclusion that if you could only believe part of the Bible, then the Bible was a lie.  Then I read John1:1, “In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God!”  I chose to believe God was real and He could not lie, so His Word was all true. After all these years God is still continually showing me something new in His Word.

Is there a being called Satan, Devil or many other names?  Absolutely YES!  The Bible says he is the father lies.  Lies are where he gets you and draws you into sin.  His lies tell you to use drugs, his lies tell you the most important this in the world is money; his lies tell you it is perfectly alright to change genders.  The fact is that you cannot change your DNA.  Even with surgery, inside you are still the man or woman that God created you to be. He is telling you it’s alright to kill your unborn baby.  It is never right to kill your unborn baby as much as killing your child at any age.  Way back in time, Satan told the Pharaoh of Egypt to order the Jewish people of God to “Throw every newborn Hebrew boy in to the Nile River to die” (Exodus 1:22) It was called murder then and is still called murder today.

All the godly ways that Jesus wants us to live like and to be, Satan hammers away at, just like he did in the Garden of Eden.  Satan wants you dead without believing in Christ as your Savior, so when you die you will go to hell.  He is always whispering to you to “go ahead and sin; it’s fun.”  He encourages you to experiment with things you know aren’t right.  Why do we listen to his enticing words?  You don’t have to listen to it; tell Satan to get out and take his hands off you.  He hears you when you speak to him.

If you are a Believer, you have greater power in you than Satan. He has the power to tempt you but you the power within you to order him to leave you alone; to get out of your thoughts and your mind.  In old-fashioned language, cast him out of your life in the name of Jesus!  Stand up for Jesus and deny Satan access to your heart, soul and mine.  You have the power and the ability to do that.  You are more than a conqueror!

Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the Devil.” Matthew 4:1

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