Monday, October 1, 2018

The Word Was God.

The Word Was God

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. John 1:1-3

I gave this message in church last Sunday and decided to share it on my blog.  I pray that you will receive this message as a Word from God.  I make sure that you can check out each message on my blogs so it lines up with the Bible.  If you find any errors, please contact me at

In Exodus 20:18-19 when God gave Moses the Ten Commandments, all the people witnessed the thundering, the lightning flashes, the sound of the trumpet and the mountain smoking.  When the people saw it they trembling and stood far off.  Then the people said to Moses, “You speak with us and we will hear, but do not let God speak with us, lest we die.

How would you have liked to be in the presence of God on that day?  Why was it that way?  When God spoke he got their attention! His Word is so powerful that when we speak the Word of God, we don’t really know what we are saying.  Proverbs 30:5 says, “Every Word of God is pure!”  This means that the Word is fresh and not evil or malicious in any way.

The Word of God is life.  In Matthew 4:4, it says, "It is written, 'Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.' If we don’t know what that means, we never will unless we read and study the Bible.  The fact is, we have to eat or be nourished some way in order to live.  If we want eternal life, we must take the Word of God into our innermost being.  I have dined on the Word for many years, but still find that when I read it for the 30th or 50th time, it speaks something more to me. Let me show you.  

            Psalm 51:10-13:  Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Do not cast me away from your presence, and do not take your Holy Spirit from me. Restore to me the joy of your salvation, and uphold me by your generous Spirit. Then I will teach transgressors your ways, and sinners shall be converted to you.”

“Look at that last sentence.  It says THEN I will teach transgressors your ways and sinners shall be converted to you.  I read this for years and then one day when I was reading this again, the Word ‘Then’ stood out at me and I understood what it was really saying to me.  “Lord, keep my heart clean and help me stay near to your presence and rely on the Holy Spirit, remembering the joy when I received my salvation.  Only THEN will I be able to lead others to salvation and become Christians.”
It isn’t just the word, ‘then’, but the understanding that God gives to you when you are hungry for him.

This is why we must accept Jesus as our Savior, because when we follow Jesus, the Holy Spirit of God is present and gives us understanding of the Word of God.  Jesus promised that when he left he would send us a Helper, who is the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit will help us in many ways and one is Understanding.  Acts 1:18 tells us that, “You shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you”. You see, that power is given to the Believer by the Holy Spirit.
  and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit.”  I hope you can get this, the Word of God is Alive’.  How do we know this?  “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The Word Was God! (John 1:11)  If you don’t get anything else out of this today, get this.  Say it together, “The Word was God!”  God and the Word are One!

Now, catch this.  When you curse and swear and use the Lord’s name in vain, you are cursing God.  How do you think that goes over with God?

God spoke this world into existence, in Genesis 1:1.  In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.  Then in verse after verse, He tells how he did it by saying “Then God said.”  When God finished he saw that everything was good and he blessed it.  Do you believe God created the world and everything in it????

Let us go back to God speaking to the people and them begging that God not speak to them anymore.  It was terrifying even to Moses that he said, so terrifying was the sight that Moses said, "I am exceedingly afraid and trembling."  Why do some of you not believe that the Bible isn’t relevant to your everyday life?  What holds you back from the Word of God?

There is so much power in this book.  The more you read it, the more you can understand it.  Within these pages are the power of life and death. God answers prayer, if you ask him and if you believe. He has given us, as Believers, power to use his Word, if you believe.  It used to be that when the Word of God was spoke, people would stand or kneel for hours in the presence of God’s Word being spoken.

Times are coming when the only sure thing we have is the Word of God. If I had time, I would share some things of the near future, but perhaps another time, but now, today, you need to give your heart to Jesus if you haven’t already done that.  Then ask God and the Holy Spirit help you to understand why it’s so important to read the Word of God and understand it. Pray daily because God hears every word you pray.  It’s never too late to change your heart.  God never changes. He is the same God as he was yesterday, today and tomorrow. He still loves you.

Now, don’t look at the Bible on your phone or notebook.  What will happen is that you glance over it and go right on, not getting what it really says.  You need to shut down the digital word, read the Bible itself and sit a minute to think about what you just read.

I’m a very fast reader and can scan over a page or paragraph in seconds and know what it said, but did I spiritually get anything out of it? No.  I challenge you to take one verse from the Word of God and think about what it really is saying to you.  Open your heart and listen once again for God to give you understanding.

“Help us, O God, to turn our thoughts to you and give us understanding to know what feels like to stand in your presence.  Help us to know that you are so powerful that all you have to do is speak and it will become live.  Let us be aware of each word you have spoken and thank you for who you are.  Amen!”

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