Monday, July 24, 2017

When Faith Overcomes Fear

When Faith Overcomes Fear

“For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.”  2 Timothy 1:7

Reading in Psalms I thought to myself, how David, a great King of Israel, had so many fears.  I looked it up in the Psalms and ‘fear’ was mentioned 59 or 60 times.  Some of the times were positive and some were negative, they were all surrounding the word ‘FEAR’.
One phone call can strike ‘fear’ in your heart.  It may be something you heard or saw on the news.  Fear is not just a word; it is a thing.  It’s a thing you cannot see coming at you, but you feel the impact nevertheless.  I will use myself for an example. About six years ago, I went to the doctor because I had a lump in my breast. When he said to me, “You have cancer”, I felt the hair rise up on my arms and fear descended on me.  I imagined the worse things possible.  Then in a quiet time I began to talk to God/
“Father, I am a believer and I have chosen to follow you.  I know this fear I feel is not from you [and I quoted 2 Timothy 1:7].  I had to have faith to believe who you said you are and I did.  Now, Lord, I am going to rely on you to see me through whatever I must do.  Let faith in you rise up in me to trust you with the outcome.”  At that time God gave me strength to go on.  Suddenly, Faith overcame my Fear!
From then on, I had no more fear and sailed through a double mastectomy and then doing what I had to do.  Here I am today, changed both physically and spiritually, with greater faith than ever before.  God is an awesome God and I cannot live without Him.  Praise God!
Do I still struggle with faith?  Yes, every day.  Fear is a powerful thing that wants to attach its self to you and hang on tight, but our God is more powerful and He can break that hold quickly.  We can either allow fear to ruin our lives, or allow God to fill us with faith that is strong enough to break any bondage.  I could relate to you many stories in my lifetime when I had no faith, but God didn’t give up on me.  Instead, let me share a truth in the Living Bible, Psalm 84:5-7, “Happy are those who are strong in the Lord, who want above all to follow your steps. When they walk through the Valley of Weeping, it will become a place of springs where pools of blessing and refreshment collect after rains.  They will grow constantly in strength and each of them is invited to meet with the Lord in Zion.”
There is so much wisdom in these verses that I must go in a little deeper for you.  When we have given our heart to the Lord, we want to do what he has shown us and that is to follow his steps.  Throughout our lifetime, we will face sorrow, fear, tragedy and pain and that is just life.  We often face despair and depression, and this verse warns us that we will go through those Valleys of Weeping.  However, we will immerge from that valley through when our Faith overcomes our fears and there will be pools of refreshment and blessings waiting for us.  The Blessing is this; we will be stronger; stronger in faith, stronger to come against the enemy of our soul and strong in our relationship with God.
These words have comforted me so many times when I have wandered into the Valley.  You may argue that science has many helps for you and you should follow that direction and pray too.  Many years ago when I was a young woman, I was barely surviving in a life filled with fears.  I was afraid to live and afraid to die.  I was filled with all kinds of pills and drugs and struggled with severe treatments; they told me I had ‘manic depression’.  Nothing worked and life had no meaning.
Then one day God spoke silently to my heart and told me this was my last chance to serve him and that was the most fear I ever had in my life.  I knew if I didn’t give my heart and soul to him, I would never see heaven; I felt such rejection, it was unbelievable.  That day was a day that turned my sadness into joy and hope took root in my heart. I said ‘yes’ and I have never looked back and continue to serve the Lord with joy and gladness every day.
Never discount the fact that God can set you free from fear and give you hope instead of hopelessness.  What do you want from God today?  Do you want your mind and your thoughts renewed?  Believe what the Bible tells you what God can do for you; he can “Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.” Psalm 51:10

Pray this prayer and mean it in your heart:  “Father, please take away all these fears in my thoughts and in my mind. Instead, fill me with your Spirit and draw me close to you. Set me free from all the things that are troubling me and give me the faith to believe.

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