Sunday, February 19, 2017

Cities Without Walls

Cities Without Walls

“A person without self-control is like a city with broken-down walls.”
Proverbs 25:28

Walled cities have been in place for thousands of years; they are nothing new. They originally were built to protect cities from warring groups who tried to harm them and take over the city.  Without walls they would certainly be invaded.  There are many countries who have walled cities today. My daughter and son-in-law recently returned from Israel and told how many guarded walls were erected around various cities.

Some cities have large stone walls but most are no more than barbed wire stretched across a border.  The border between North and South Korea is about 211 miles and is being guarded by soldiers.  There is a border between Mexico and Guatemala to “keep out freeloaders”. Why is it such a big problem with us?

Our borders are basically open on both the north and the south.  In 2011 approx. 484,072 illegal immigrants came across our borders.  They included illegals from 75 countries. Despite the recent apprehension of the 13 Syrians at the border, The Washington Times reports that "some 25,000 illegal immigrants from El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala have been caught in the first seven weeks of the fiscal year, which began Oct. 1 — an increase of 58 percent. Rep. Duncan Hunter, R-Calif., says that at least ten fighters for the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria have been apprehended while attempting to enter the southern U.S. border.

We do not know who these people are, or their reason for coming here without paperwork. No one can go into European or Asian countries with Visas and Passports.  Why should people expect to enter the US without the same Identification?

Spiritually speaking, most of us build walls around our hearts.  We don’t always have open access to our Lord.  We think we can hide things from God.  We can’t seem to get it through our heads that God sees everything and knows everything.  We cannot hide anything from God. The strange thing about it is that when we build walls, only God can tear them down, but we have to let it go. 
When we do something that we know to be wrong in the sight of God, it’s called sin.  When we sin, our walls go up.  When we try to hide sin from God, it begins to fester and grow until we have a huge problem. Our relationship with God starts to diminish.

When we let people like Isis terrorists into our country, they begin to grow and draw others in until danger is within our walls.  That means that our country is in grave danger because we didn’t weed them out before they got in.

This is the same as our walk with the Lord.  When we hide sin, it builds up until we can no longer see the road ahead.  God himself has given up walls; walls to keep us safe from the sin in our lives.  That is why we need walls across our borders. 

I am reminded of a time in our country when the only thing we had to save us was believing in God’s Faithfulness. It was the War of 1812 with the British.  A certain lawyer, Francis Scott Keys tried to negotiate with the British, but the bombing and killing continued.  We would not back down and as long as we could see that flag, we held on. Out of that, Keys wrote the “Star Spangled Banner.”

Many think it’s alright to desecrate our flag, but it’s the flag that reminds us of the reason we hold that flag so dear because so many died for it. God gave us this land and has protected it for over 200 years but if people continue trying to divide this blessed country, we may be on the edge of defeat.
I love this country so much and if it takes walls and borders to keep it safe, I’m all for it.  The Liberals think they know best, but Satan has blinded them to the truth.  They don’t even realize that abortion is ‘Murder”, and several other agendas are against the Word of God.  All they want is the demonic road they’ve been traveling on.  They don’t even realize there will come a day of reckoning!

‘Countries without Walls’ will soon bring destruction if we allow it.  Remember what Gods people stand for and be a part of it.  Forget all the protesting, in the end it means nothing.  These words are meant for those who stand for Christ.

On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand;
All other ground is sinking sand,
  All other ground is sinking sand.

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