Monday, April 13, 2015


“The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge,
 but fools despise wisdom and instruction.”   Proverbs 1:7 

It is so easy to turn to other people with our problems and hope for their wisdom to give us answers.  I can only say what I read in the Word of God.  Everyone has a certain amount of wisdom but not all wisdom comes from God.  There are many wise people on this earth that seem to have an answer for everything.  They may be highly educated, but only have the wisdom that comes from learning.  Not that that kind of wisdom is all bad, but what each of us needs is wisdom that comes from God. 

I know a great many people who are very smart, but have no common sense at all.  They get ideas and don’t even think them through before they jump in and try to make it happen.  Chances are these jump-start ideas are not the best thing to do and in times will fail completely.  Anyone who doesn’t seek God for wisdom has no common sense.

So where does one begin to accumulate wisdom?  Psalm 111:10 tells us, “The fear of the LORD is the foundation of true wisdom. All who obey his commandments will grow in wisdom. Praise him forever!”  This doesn’t mean we should walk in fear every day thinking God may strike us down.  It means that we should realize who God is and that all power comes from Him.  If we follow His directions which are given in the Bible and try to live righteous lives, we have nothing to fear.  He will direct our paths and give us the wisdom to follow Him. 

I love this verse in James 1:5 that says, If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him.”  There are so many things in our life that call for wisdom; relationships, finances, health and day by day living and we long for someone to give us advice and only God can give you that advice.   

I must say that we must also trust in others that have Godly wisdom.  Colossians 3:16 tells us to, “Teach and counsel each other with all the wisdom He gives.”  If you need to go to counselling, or send your children for counselling, make sure that counselor is a Christian who lives a godly life.  He or she will turn to God for wisdom.  God will give to them the spirit of wisdom and revelation knowledge.  [Ephesians 1:17] 

The Bible is a Manual for Living.  It has so much wisdom to be revealed for those who are open to receive it. The book of Proverbs is full of everyday wisdom and it would be wise to refer to it when needed.  King Solomon wrote most of Proverbs because God had given him more wisdom than others at that time.  However, in Solomon’s later years, he turned away from God and his fall was great. Ultimately, when you need wisdom, turn to God the Father and his Word.   

Let me give you an example from Jesus who was ministering with the disciples.  A wealthy young man came to him and said, “What can I do to have eternal life?”  Jesus answered him by saying “Keep the commandments”.  Jesus went on to tell him that he should not murder, commit adultery, or steal.  He should not lie and should honor his father and mother and then love your neighbor as yourself.  The young man told Jesus he had done all these things since he was young.  

Then he asked Jesus if there was anything else he needed to do.  Jesus really stretched him by saying, “sell everything you have and give it all to the poor, because then you will have treasures in heaven.  Then you can follow me.”  The young man was very sad because he knew he could not do that; he was very rich. [Matt. 19:16-22] 

This doesn’t mean you should run out and sell your house, your car, or whatever you have and give it away.  Jesus used this example to show us that our priorities are so important.  Do we give God first place in our life, or making money; trying to get rich or accumulating things come first?  Do you give God the first fruits, which means tithing 10% to your church home off every paycheck?  This is what God asks you to do. 

Even if we don’t think we can afford to tithes, where is your trust in God filling your needs.  In the last book of the Old Testament [Malachi 3:8-10] God says, “Try Me”.  Trust the almighty be putting Him first in your life.  This is called, “Wisdom”.  God will do what he says, try Him and see.   

Don’t be a fool, because fools despise wisdom and instruction.”  [Proverbs 1:7]  Instead, stand up and be a man or woman of God and trust in His wisdom.


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