Monday, May 12, 2014

4 Blood Moons – Part II

“For when they say, "Peace and safety!" then sudden destruction comes upon them,
                  as labor pains upon a pregnant woman. And they shall not escape.”  [I Thess. 5:3]

             Along with the ‘Blood Moons’, there are several other tragic weather related events going on across the world that may add to the end time prophecies.  It is symbolic of a woman having labor pains and trying to give birth.  The woman is going through the terrible pain, but she knows the delivery will happen soon.  She feels the expectancy, yet suffers until the child is born.  After Eve ate the forbidden fruit, in Genesis 3:16, God brought about the curse for woman; “Then he [God] said to the woman, "You will bear children with intense pain and suffering.”
            Now the world is locked in its labor pains that are coming one after another, like waves of the sea, and those who are believers know at any time Jesus will walk through that door from heaven and call us home. Those who don’t believe are just plain frustrated that they are not finding peace anywhere.  All they see is destruction for those living on the earth.
            Just to remind you of a few of the things that are taking place now in this world.  The chaos of the weather is enough for you to think about what is going on:
            Japan had 11 inches of snow this year compared to their average of 4 inches
            Terrible droughts in the west and California along with fires
            Many avalanches, snow, ice and floods in US
            Devastating mudslides in us and Afghanistan
            Many killer tornadoes in US
            High and strong winds
            Sinkholes in Florida and a block-long sinkhole in Maryland.
            Wars around the world; Israel sitting in the middle of Arab countries who want to destroy the ‘Apple of God’s Eye’.
Christians across the world are being persecuted in greater numbers than ever.
            Today, May 12, 2014, California is sweltering at 90 degrees while Colorado is battling 11 inches of the white stuff.  It was reported yesterday that 28 tornados belted their way across the Midwest; a total  of 41 tornados over the week.
Christians in America are being targeted by government departments and officials to be kept from certain jobs and positions. I just read about the Benham Brothers who were signed on with HGTV to do a show called ‘Flip It Forward’.  These twin brothers, who are Christians, have now been labeled “anti-gay, anti-choice extremists.”  Their show has been canceled and yet HGTV continually run shows of gays and lesbians.
Our country is caught in a downward spiral with its lack of morals, godlessness and ungodly sexual behaviors.  Another monster has risen up its head and that is paganism; which includes immoral sexual activities and abortion and includes the area of homosexuality, lesbianism and unnatural marriages. 
This is our world today and taken with all that’s going on, we turn to the ‘heavenlies’ and see the Blood Moons in the perspective of the Israelis’.  And suddenly things are about to burst forth; the birth is close at hand.  The labor pains will cease, and it will be all over.
The prophet Daniel in the Old Testament, Daniel 12:4 But you, Daniel, keep this prophecy a secret; seal up the book until the time of the end. Many will rush here and there, and knowledge will increase."  Most people, including our young people, are complaining because their life is speeding by and it’s hard to keep up with it.  We are all so busy running here and there; we have little time to spend in Bible reading and prayer.  Remember, Satan wants to keep you so busy with time rushing by so that God will be left behind.
During this year and next we will see 3 more blood moons and 3 more Jewish feasts take place.  Along with that, we have been told that worse weather related events have yet to take place.  I would like to encourage you to read the Bible and find out as much as you can about the end times.   Remember that while all these things come upon this old world and we like to learn all we can about them, the most important thing of all is that you know Jesus Christ as your Savior.  Then whatever happens, you’ll be ready for it and we have this promise in I Thessalonians 1:10; “Wait for His Son from heaven, whom He raised from the dead, even Jesus who delivers us from the wrath to come.”  AMEN!



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