Tuesday, December 3, 2013

24 Days Til Christmas

24 Days Til Christmas

            She sat at her desk and glanced up to the calendar on the wall.  Oh, no!  She couldn’t believe it was December already, let alone only 24 days til Christmas.  She picked up her pencil began making a list of all the things she had to do before December 25th.  The list went something like this: shopping, make a menu for dinner, send invitations for the Christmas  Eve get together, wrap gifts, do Christmas cards, make cookies and candy, buy a ham for dinner, go caroling to nursing homes, help with all the functions at church, and that was only part of the list.

            She knew she couldn’t possibly get everything done in 24 days.  Being an organized person, however, would help, so she rewrote her list in a manner so that she could accomplish two or more tasks at the same time.  She began day one by making a Christmas card list; on to the store to buy cards; to the post office for stamps and then home to address the cards. 

            With Christmas music playing on the radio, she drove through town.  Her cell phone jarred her back to reality.  “Don’t forget the Women’s Ministry tonight at 6:30 at the church and don’t forget to bring 3 dozen cookies. Bye.” She clicked off the cheerful voice on the other end of the phone. 

            “Well,” she thought, “There goes my evening of addressing cards.”   This was just day one.  What comes next?  Her organized lists didn’t leave much wiggle room.  She hurried home and stirred up a batch of cookies. 

            Day 2 left her feeling a bit frazzled; trying to address the cards while purchasing certain gifts on the internet. She wondered how she could have addressed her mother-in-law’s to ebay.com?  Even that wasn’t as bad as ordering a size 5X sweater for her best friend, who wore a size 10.  Then the unbelievable happened; she stamped and mailed a sympathy card instead of a Christmas card to a couple who just got back together after a split up. How did that card get in with Christmas cards?

            Day 3 was worse; the phone calls began.  The couple that got the sympathy card was angry beyond words and said with her sick humor that they would never speak to her again.  Her mother-in-law’s card was returned with “address not known”.   Also, she was trying to decorate the fake tree standing in the corner of the living room.  One of the main branches was missing; where could it have disappeared to?

            She guessed she would have to somehow fill in the space, but with what?  She could take a wire hanger and wrap green tissue around it; attach it to the tree and hang ornaments on it.  It was a longer task than she thought it would be; cutting and tying the tissue strips on the hanger.  At last finished, she hung it on the tree. Oh no!  She had no idea there were so many different color greens; mint green for a branch of a dark green tree made it stand out more than ever. 

            Time was running out and she had to have dinner in the oven and get ready for caroling at the nursing home within an hour. She started stirring up a casserole of leftovers; hoping the pieces of chicken in the refrigerator weren’t too old.  The recipe called for sour cream and she couldn’t find any.  Cool whip had the same consistency, so she stirred in half a container.  It also called for beans, but she was out of those too, so she chopped up a cup of dried prunes as a substitute.  Adding the rest of the ingredients, she stirred it all together and popped it in the oven.  If anyone asked she would call it her ‘Surprise Casserole’.

            Her family sat down for dinner as she waved goodbye; ran out the door and jumped in the car.  A loud ‘ding, ding, ding’ made her look at the gas gauge that was blinking to let her know she was on empty.  She was already running behind and everyone knows when it says ‘empty’ you can still drive a few miles.  She only had a few miles to go, so she was sure she would make it there and back.

            When she pulled off the ramp onto the highway, the engine started to sputter and she had to pull off on the shoulder of the road.  Oh, no!  She reached in her purse for her cell phone and after frantically searching through it; she realized she had forgot to bring it. What was happening to her; she was the person who didn’t even go to the bathroom without her phone.

            It was turning dusk when a car pulled up beside and a man tapped on her window.  She heard you never roll down your window if a stranger approaches you stalled car.  Was he a mass murderer on the look out for a lone woman, or maybe he was one of those who kidnapped people and sold them to be sex slaves. 

            He tapped the window again and yelled, “Can I help you?”  He looked more like one of those homeless men sleeping in the streets.  His worn jacket and a dark ski hat made up for a picture of ‘scary’.  She shook her head no and gave him a half smile, hoping he didn’t see the fear in eyes.  She waved and he waved back, got in his car and drove off.  She noticed his car was newer than hers; it was probably stolen.

            A few minutes later another car pulled up and a young man tapped on her window.  “Need some gas; I’ll go pick it up and put it in for you, but I don’t have any money.”

            Well, she could roll the window down and slip a ten dollar bill through it.  “Okay”, she nodded as she reached into her purse and realized she hadn’t put her wallet in this one; she had grabbed wrong purse by mistake.  She waved him away and he looked puzzled, but left.  Now what?  He could have escaped from a prison and was trying to get another car.

            One thing for sure, she was not getting out of this car unless she was taken out by force.  Just then, red lights flashing and sirens blaring, two police cars pulled up; one in front and one in back.  They jumped out with guns drawn.  One of the officers ordered her out of the car, with her hands in the air.  She was so terrified that when she pushed the ‘unlock’ button, she passed out in the seat.  As the swirling darkness washed over her, she heard the sound of a gunshot and it was the last thing she remembered.

            As she started coming to, she could hear them still shooting; no, someone was hammering.  “Stop, stop!” she cried out. She opened her eyes to see her husband came rushing in.

“What’s wrong,” he asked?  “I’m just putting up the spruce tree; you said you wanted a live one this year.”

            I jumped out of bed in a leap of joy.  It wasn’t real; I just had a nightmare. “Lord, thank you for waking me up to the truth, Christmas should be a time of joy and peace; not a nightmare of chaos and stress.” After all, she still had 24 days to enjoy preparing for Christmas.


Let’s celebrate the Reason for the Season!




























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