Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Help! I'm in the Belly of the Whale - Part 2

Help! I’m in the Belly of the Whale – Part 2

         After being trapped in that big fish and thinking his life was over, I can’t imagine how Jonah felt.  He must have sucked in deep breaths of pure fresh air; took a bath in the sea and with determined steps headed to Nineveh.  I doubt if he still wanted to do what God told him to do, but ‘obedience is better than sacrifice’,and he wasn’t about to go through that again.
            When Jonah finally reached Nineveh, he began to walk through the streets crying, “Forty day from now Nineveh will be destroyed.” [TLB]  It took him 3 days to walk through the city, but as he cried out people began to believe in God and in the message.  From the lowliest to the greatest the people began to repent.  Even the great king of Nineveh took off his royal robes and dressed in rough clothes like the beggars wore. 
            The king sent word to everyone in the whole city that he declared a time of fasting; no food or water.  Even the animals were not allowed to eat or drink.  Then the people began to cry out to God for forgiveness and they all turned from their sinful ways.  So God showed his mercy and the city was not destroyed.  The outcome was that thousands of souls were saved because of one man’s obedience to God.
            If we listened to God’s voice, and do what he wants us to do, how many souls would be saved from Hell?  Here’s how it works:  We share about Jesus with someone and they get saved.  They tell another person and they get saved. That person tells another and another and another.  In time that can add up to hundreds of thousands of people receiving salvation.
            How do we know we should do that?  Because Jesus left us with the ‘Great Commission’ in Mark 16:15-16 And then he told them, "You are to go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone, everywhere.  Those who believe and are baptized will be saved. But those who refuse to believe will be condemned.”  That wasn't just for the disciples to do, but for generations to come.
            Was Jonah happy about the outcome?  No, he was angry.   Jonah was like some of us, even though he went through the motions, he still hadn’t found compassion or forgiveness.  He became depressed and told God to take his life.  He was a prideful, self-centered man who had not yet learned the secret of true happiness which is caring for others.  God caused a great plant to grow in a desert place so it made shade over Jonah’s head as he sat pouting.  He sat there and thanked God for his personal comfort, but cared nothing for the lives of those in the city.  So God caused the plant to wither and die to teach Jonah a lesson.  Jonah’s priorities were out of order.
            Where are our priorities – does 'self' generally come first?  When we are spending time in the ‘belly of the whale’, are we learning from these troubling experiences?  When we are first ‘swallowed by the whale’ we are usually wallowing in self-pity.  Listen!  God is merciful.  He wants what’s best for you and you will have that if you put Him first in your life.  One of my favorite verses in the Bible is this; “The faithful love of the LORD never ends! His mercies never cease. Great is his faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh each morning. Lamentations 3:22-23 (NLT)  Don’t miss this point ‘His mercies are new every morning’.   
            Put yourself aside and concentrate on others; it’s the best antidepressant you can have.  All through the word of God we are told to reach out to this lost and dying world with love and compassion.  We must die to self in order to live for Him.  Take your mind off yourself and put it on others.  Maybe you can't get out there in person, but you can always pray!  You can always send a note or a card to encourage the sick, lonely, and hurting.
           What ever happened to Jonah?  The Bible doesn’t say because it’s a never-ending story.  With his attitude, he might have found himself back in the belly of the whale.  We don’t have to be like Jonah; the Lord is our strength and we can do all things through Him. [Philippians 4:13]
            Today is a new day – a day to start fresh.  You can begin again by your feet going in the right direction.  True; you many occasionally stumble, BUT we can begin again.  If you never memorize any other verses in the Bible, memorize these; write them in your heart, for they are for each new day in your life.  “The faithful love of the LORD never ends! His mercies never cease. Great is his faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh each morning. Lamentations 3:22-23 (NLT)  
            If your find yourself in the belly of the whale cry out to God; “HELP!”  He hears you and sees you even in the deep, murky waters of life and his Mercy comes in like a flood.

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