Monday, June 11, 2018

A World of Changes

A World of Changes

I love you, LORD; you are my strength.  The LORD is my rock, my fortress, and my savior; my God is my rock, in whom I find protection. He is my shield, the power that saves me, and my place of safety.  I called on the LORD, who is worthy of praise, and he saved me from my enemies.
 Psalm 18:1-3 (NLT) 

The last 50 or 60 years have brought so many changes there is no way to count them all; this is called progress.  We have integrated thousands of these changes into our lives without even thinking about it.  Many of them are really good changes that help us in many ways.  The progress in communication is probably the greatest accomplishment of all.  If it wasn’t for the internet, you wouldn’t be reading this right now. 
            Just because the world has come to accept things like men and women living together rather than getting married, doesn’t mean we should accept or condone that life style.  The Word of God tells us this is called ‘fornication’. To clarify this word, Webster’s dictionary defines fornication as (voluntary sexual intercourse between an unmarried man and an unmarried woman, or between two unmarried persons). Let me give you a couple of scriptures showing why this is sin: 
Flee (run from) fornication. Every sin that a man does is without the body; but he that commits fornication, sins against his own body. (1 Corinthians 6:18) - Nevertheless, to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband. (1 Corinthians 7:2) 
            This is only one thing a believer must not accept; there are so many others.  We all enjoy television and some of the things it offers, but so much of it is not what our eyes should see or our ears hear.  Television, in its earlier stages, only presented programs that the entire family could watch.  There was no swearing; no sexual activity and no horrendous violence.  Gradually, swearing, sex and violence began to creep in and soon we were all watching it.  Today, filth of the world dominates television; cursing and swearing are the norm, nudity and sexual activity are the norm along with violent acts beyond our understanding.
We wonder what is yet to come. Will we recognize it for what it is, or just go with the flow?  The Bible tells us that as we approach the last days, many will fall away from the faith.  “Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless the falling away comes first...” 2 Thessalonians 2:3.  Fellow believers, stand firm and stand strong.  I could list a great amount of negative things that we may have to face in the years to come, but I believe we should concentrate on the blessings of God Almighty.

ü  We can look for the ‘Blessed Hope’, which is the return of Jesus Christ.
ü  We can be assured that no matter the trials or troubles that come our way, He (Jesus) will never leave    us or forsake us.
ü  He (Jesus) is an ever present help in times of trouble.
ü  No weapon formed against you will prosper.
ü  When you feel you have no strength – He will be your strength and your shield.
ü  God promises his children and their children will not go hungry or beg for bread.
ü  He promises he will provide our needs which are; food, clothing and shelter.
ü  He will guide our pathways and lead us in paths of righteousness.
There is not enough room to write down all of God’s blessings and the above are just a few, but if we stand strong in the Lord and believe his Word, we will be in his care.  Therefore we can look toward with hope and peace.  Just like clothes, styles change, but we don’t have to go along with change, and we don’t have to accept these changes if it goes against our beliefs.  The world is not my guide and it should not be yours. 

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