Tuesday, December 26, 2017

A Baby, a King and a Kingdom

A Baby, a King and a Kingdom

“But He said to them, "I must preach the kingdom of God to the other cities also, because for this purpose  I have been sent.” Luke 4:43

            The air was cold that night and the group of shepherds huddled together by the fire trying to keep warm.  It was an ordinary night in the hills outside of Bethlehem.   They talked about their families and the fear they held for King Herod.
            In Bethlehem, the inn keeper was still grumbling about all the people he had to deal with.  He was happy to have so many staying with him, but now it was full and he had to turn away several.  The young couple stayed on his mind.  The woman looked so tired and it was obvious she was about to deliver a child.  Out of the goodness of his heart, he let them stay in the stable, but what a terrible place to give birth to a child.
            In the stable, Joseph piled clean straw as far from the animals as he could.  He then took off his cloak and laid it over the mound of straw.  Mary quickly lay down and Joseph covered her with her cloak.  He could see the tears in her eyes; tears of fear.  She was young and inexperienced; wishing her mother could be there.  She would know what to do.
            This is the way it was that first Christmas; everything was set in place for the greatest event in history.  The angels were gathered together in anticipation of what was about to take place. One angel was surrounded by a great light that shone all around them.  Joy was on the face of each angel as they sang praises to the Almighty One.
            Back in Bethlehem, out of the stillness of the night a baby’s cry rang out.  It woke the innkeeper from a restless sleep who smiled sleepily and fell into a peaceful sleep.  Other people in the inn woke up to a bright light shining in their faces only to look out at the brightest star in the sky they had ever seen.  
            We all know the story of the shepherds coming to worship the new born baby. Then possibly two years later there were wise men (Magi) who came to the house where Joseph and Mary lived with their child, Jesus. From there they traveled to Egypt and lived until King Herod died.  Joseph heard in a dream that they should return to Israel but go into Galilee where it was safe for Jesus and they turned aside and made their home in Nazareth.  Joseph was a carpenter and Jesus also learned that trade while growing up. Matthew 13:55-56 tells us that Jesus had brothers and sisters.  The brothers were James, Joses, Simon and Judas, and his sisters were not named. Jesus started his ministry when he was about 30 years of age.  When Jesus went to his home town of Nazareth and began to teach, they rejected him because they knew his whole family and couldn’t understand the wisdom he spoke. He did little works there because of their unbelief. They knew him and they knew his family, but he was rejected. 
             Jesus continued on throughout Israel teaching, preaching and healing. He called on people to “Repent for the Kingdom of God is at hand.” He taught about repentance and forgiveness; how to walk in righteousness and truth.
 He also taught about living a life of Love and Peace in a world of darkness.  Jesus, a Baby who came to die, a King who came to Rule and a Kingdom for all eternity.  All people have existence, but all do not have true life, for you can’t have it without Jesus. 

            Now is the time to fall on your knees and worship the one who paid the price for our sins and gives us eternal life.

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