Monday, February 6, 2017

Following Gods Plan

Following God’s Plan

 “They incited a rebellion against Moses, along with 250 other leaders of the community, all prominent members of the assembly. They united against Moses and Aaron and said, “You have gone too far!” Numbers 16:1-3 (NLT)

When God chose Moses to lead the Israelites out of Egypt into the Promised Land, He didn’t change his mind.  He had decided long before, when Moses was adopted by the Pharaoh’s daughter and lived in the palace like a prince.  While there, he received the finest schooling and wisdom from all the leaders in the palace.  He learned what it was to be a leader. First he had to learn and then he had to be humbled by being sent into the wilderness to live. A great leader has to be strong, quick to make decisions and move on them.  It may take some time to become humble and they don’t always show it, but it happens.

God had shown the Israelites many miracles while they wandered the desert, but they were used to being under the bondage of the Egyptians and many decided they wanted to go back.  They liked some of the stuff they had back there because they were used to it. (I never would have made it in Egypt because I don’t eat onions and hate the taste and smell of garlic). They were afraid to go forward and see if there was something better ahead.

They were against Moses and decided to start a rebellion.  The means they used was to march in a protest.  They even suggested killing Moses.  Does any of this sound familiar? This was a bad choice!  You don’t want to make God angry, but they did it.  Things began to happen to them; the ground opened up and swallowed many, deadly snakes invaded their camps and 14,700 people died of the plague. 

I’m not saying God would do these things today, but when you come against the will of God, I would think twice.  I will say this: these last ten or twelve years, disasters like hurricanes, floods, mud slides and storms of all kinds have increased.  They try to lay it on global warming, but if you go back in history you’ll find many periods of times we went through periods of ice melt, extreme heat and extreme cold.  Talk about scaring people. It is only one group of people in our divided country that claims global warming.

I don’t understand protesting anyway, because it is not going to change things.  In many groups of protesters, some are paid to march and stir up people.  That’s why some of those who get violent and break windows and damage cars and such don’t do it in protest but to try and show their power when all they show is their lack of intellect.  No matter the reasoning behind doing this, there is also consequences.

Can you imagine a parent telling a child, “Let’s go out in the street and protest and yell awful things about people who aren’t even there. Remember, you won’t be punished for whatever you do and never forget, I’m the one who told you to do this.”

It’s really not too hard to imagine because I’ve watched protesters who take their children along and even give them signs to carry.  Oh, yes, these kids will remember and as they grow up they will do what their parents do. The biggest percentage of people protesting is because they don’t want their rights taken away; their right to kill their own babies.

The Ten Commandments tell us, “Do not kill”, but they want to be able to kill their unborn babies.  Our laws tell us we cannot commit murder, but we can kill our unborn baby.  Some new babies have defects, bad hearts, all kinds of ailments and they all do whatever they can to save a child and they should.  But now, if you don’t want a baby you just kill it to get rid of it and think it’s the right thing to do.  This is called women’s rights.  That’s only one of the problems.

It is hard to believe that there is such a thing as Black Power and White Power.  Why– we all live in this country and we should be called nothing but Americans?  Many of us come from various roots of our ancestors and we can’t change that.  It’s in your DNA and most of it comes from several different races. So, what is it you’re protesting?

You may not like our new president, but he’s the first one I remember that does what he said he would do, like it or not.  He’s far from perfect, but who is.  This country is a mess and messes take time to clean up.  Do all the protesting you want; he is our president.  Just like God put Moses in command of the Israelites and I’ve showed you what happened to those against him.  Let’s see what happens because God will be sure to show you.  Remember this, God is still in control and nothing happens that He doesn’t know.

Protests Gone Wrong

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