Sunday, May 17, 2015

Where Dandelions Grow

Where Dandelions Grow

“There is always something to be happy about; a comfy bed, a warm rain, a bird singing, or a dandelion growing against a wall.”
I was driving down our city street one day and as I passed a big cement wall butting up against a sidewalk, I noticed a very large bunch of dandelions growing out of a crack in the cement.  I could not believe how big the blossoms were or how bright a yellow.  After a long winter and cold spring, it was a cheery, welcome sight.
I know that most of you hate dandelions in your yard and dig them up if you can, but they intrigue me and I find a beauty in them.  They can grow in all kinds of places like a crack in the sidewalk or in the middle of a tree stump.  I am sure God gave us dandelions for a spiritual example. 
God, the Father, sent his son, Jesus to touch people hearts and help them to grow spiritually no matter where they are.  He sends his Spirit to those who live in palaces, or in the ghetto, or in the jungles of Africa to all countries and all peoples.  Just as He provides for the dandelion, he provides for people.  He covers the heavens with clouds, provides rain for the earth, and makes the grass grow in mountain pastures.” Psalm 147:8
I never saw a brighter yellow than those dandelion flowers.  We worry and get anxious if we don’t have certain clothes and brand names so we can dress well, but God had something else in mind for us.  So why do you worry about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin. Yet Solomon in all his glory was not dressed as beautifully as they are. And if God cares so wonderfully for wildflowers that are here today and thrown into the fire tomorrow, he will certainly care for you. Why do you have so little faith?”  [Matt. 6:28-30]  God will provide for all of our needs and we don’t have to waste our time worrying about it.  God has a plan for you to grow and flourish, even greater than dandelions.
If you think dandelions are a lowly weed growing all over, I am going to share some facts about the amazing dandelion.  America had never seen dandelions until they were brought to this country when the pilgrims landed.  They brought them to grow because of their great medicinal power.  It was important as a tonic for the liver, its fresh leaves make a juice to get rid of warts, bee stings and even a facial to refresh the skin. It is rich in potassium and a variety of other minerals.  It can treat cirrhosis of the liver and cleanse the bloodstream and help with bladder problems. 
The dried leaf can be made into a tea and helps lower blood pressure.  The young leaves can be washed and cooked to make ‘dandelion greens’ which my grandparents and parents were very fond of and I remember eating them as a side dish along with fried morel mushrooms.  Many people used to pick the blossoms to make ‘Dandelion Wine’, bottle it and have it all year for a stimulant.  All parts of the dandelion are safe to eat in whatever form they are fixed.
Isn’t it amazing what God can do with the lowly dandelion?  It’s also pretty amazing what he can do with each of us.  Every one of us has gifts and talents that he wants us to use to honor him.  What we do with those things is up to us.  I like what is written in Colossians 1:10, Then the way you live will always honor and please the Lord, and your lives will produce every kind of good fruit. All the while, you will grow as you learn to know God better and better.” 
God knows your value and he created you for a purpose, just like he created the dandelion with much value.  Don’t look down on other people, but know they have value in God’s eyes and a purpose to fulfill.  His question to you today is, “Are you producing good fruit?”  If not – what’s stopping you?  You may feel like a ‘lowly dandelion’, but God sees your great value.

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