Tuesday, December 23, 2014

The Night Before Christmas

The Night Before Christmas

T’was the night before Christmas and all through the house,

Not a creature was stirring; not even a mouse?

Wait just a minute; I know it’s not true;

There was one little mouse who appeared out of the blue.

It was not quite Christmas; I was alone in the house

Except for my cat, who I know smelled a mouse.

I rose up from my chair; around the corner I peeked

Took a quick look and started to shriek.

My cat’s tail was whipping as he lay on the floor;

He kept sniffing and looking at my stove’s oven door.

As I stood there staring, beady eyes appeared,

Above the stoves drawer was a sight that I feared.

I shrieked once again and ran out of the room;

And quick as I could I picked up the broom.

I first called my husband who was working that day;

There’s a mouse in the house, “I may pass away.”

I then called my sister, “I am trapped in my house.”

What’s wrong?” she asked. “We have a mouse!”

“Oh, no,” she said, “Just stay on the phone.”

Feet in chair, till my husband got home.

He did what he could to catch that nasty mouse,

He chased it this way and that, all over the house.

“Buying a trap,” he said, as he walked out the door,

Just then that mouse began running all over the floor.

Gracie, our cat was running hot on its trail,

While I, with feet in the air, let out a loud wail.

My husband came home and with help from the cat,

Finished that mouse with a broom and a bat.

We were all exhausted and I was suffering from trauma

So we readied for bed after all of that drama.

We climbed into bed and pulled up the covers

We each said our prayers and kissed one another.

And I heard him exclaim as he rolled over in bed,

Sleep well, my darling ...... the mouse is dead!

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