Sunday, June 1, 2014


Gone Fishing

   “Then He said to them, "Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.” Matthew 4:19 (NKJV)
            Have you ever noticed when people talk about fishing they think in terms of men (fishermen)?  That is not always true.  Personally, I love to fish and plan on doing that this summer.  I like nothing better than to be out on the lake in my son’s pontoon boat with a fish pole in my hand.  It’s so calming and peaceful.  
I remember how my father took me fishing for bullheads one night.  It was dark and we were sitting in the boat in a cove off McLaren Lake when suddenly my dad pulled in a big bullhead.  I don’t know how many of you have seen a live bullhead, but they are ugly and have little horns coming out both sides of their head; they try to sting you while taking them off the hook. In the dark of the night with only a flashlight or lantern, they were terrifying to me as a child.  I caught some too, but I sure didn’t touch them.  When we finally got back to the dock my dad got out of the boat, and then shined his light down so I could climb out, but as he held the light it shone down in the water by the boat. There, in the water was a huge black water snake.  I screamed and wouldn’t come out of the boat; it took a long time to convince me it wouldn’t come after me.  That was my first and last fishing in the dark for bullheads.  I must say the reward is eating them as they are delicious.
The Bible talks about fishing and many of Jesus disciples were fishermen and that was how they made a living.  Then Jesus came along and called them to follow him and they dropped their nets and went with him.  I don’t know what they expected they would do while they walked with him, but Jesus told them, “Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.”  This was new to these rough, uneducated fishermen and when they had to put into practice what Jesus told them to do, I can imagine they were just as terrified as I was when I fished for bullheads in the dark.
‘Fishing for men’ is rather an analogy of ‘fishing in the dark’ in that you don’t know the person you are trying to tell about Jesus.  It can be a frightening experience for some people who have never witnessed before.  These people could turn on you with viciousness and you might even get hurt.  Yet, they may hear and believe what you are telling them and receive Jesus as their Savior.  There is no greater joy than to lead someone to the Lord. 
Most of the time, God will direct you to certain people who are open to hearing what you have to say to them.  I have found the best way to witness is to simply share what God has done in your life.  That should not be difficult; He provides your needs daily.  If you love the Lord it will be something you want to do.  Even if you have anxious times, don’t let it stop you.  The best job in this world is being a ‘fisher of men’.

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