Sunday, April 7, 2013



            In the early 1500’s, the Spanish brought domesticated horses to this country and the Indians soon began stealing them and within a number of years these horses increased to many herds that freely roamed the plains.  By the 1800’s thousands of wild mustangs roamed over the south-western states of the USA.  Today there are only about 30-some thousand living on free grazing land and another 30-some thousand controlled and for sale.  However there are not the buyers for broken horses that there once was.
            Taming a wild horse is not an easy task and can be very dangerous.  There are several steps that must be taken before a rider can possibly finally sit atop this large animal, because they are extremely rebellious. Rebellion is not just in horses, but also is typical for the human race who wants to go against the grain.  Many of us have had children who have gone through a period of rebellion, or are going through it. The saddest are the adults who still haven’t gotten over it. 

            The Bible tells us that rebellion is as witchcraft.  For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft.”
(I Samuel 15:23) When it comes down to it, each of us may have a little rebellion in us.  Just like a wild horse that rears up and shakes its head in defiance, we too, can have sudden urges to behave like the world does.  What is it that can draw rebellious people to God? 

            When a wild horse is captured, the wrangler tosses a rope around its neck and after the horse struggles, it is led to a safe place where it can be fed and cared for.  Eventually the horse builds trust in the one who cares for it and allows for it to be ridden and becomes faithful to the rider. How does this tie in with God’s Word?  Yes, I've heard it clearly, saying, 'You trained me well. You broke me, a wild yearling horse, to the saddle. Now put me, trained and obedient, to use. You are my GOD.”  [Jeremiah 31:18 MSG]

            So it is for those people who become rebellious; the Holy Spirit corrals them and then draws them in.  As God’s love surrounds them by caring for them and providing for their needs, they began to trust him more and more. At last they become faithful to him and develop righteous living.

            That is how rebellious people become God’s people.  Yet there are those who choose to rebel against God and remain that way.  How can we help them get on the right track?  First of all we pray asking God to send the Holy Spirit to draw them in.  Secondly, we need to show them our love and care for them as much as possible; yet let them know you do not agree with their sinful lifestyle.  Thirdly, try to build up a trust with them so they will know you are there for them. 

            Part of God’s plan is to teach errant sinners about God’s love and his plan of redemption.  Make them aware of the need for repentance and consequences for those who do not repent.  "Once again give them this message from the Lord: ’When a person falls, he jumps up again; when he is on the wrong road and discovers his mistake, he goes back to the fork where he made the wrong turn.  But these people keep on along their evil path, even though I warn them.  I listen to their conversation and what do I hear? Is anyone sorry for sin? Does anyone say, "What a terrible thing I have done?" No, all are rushing pell-mell down the path of sin as swiftly as a horse rushing to the battle! Jeremiah 8:4-6 (TLB)

            Repentance simply means to ‘turn away’.  It does not mean that you can be forgiven, and still continue in sinful practices.  There are always consequences for sin and if those who believe in the Word of God will understand, they will turn away from sin.  God loves you and wants you to give your life over to him and let him be in control.  James 3:3-4 (MSG) tells us, “A bit in the mouth of a horse controls the whole horse.”  

            If we put our faith in God Almighty, he will heal our rebellious spirit and lead us in paths of righteousness and we will spend eternity in heaven.


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